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  • Writer's pictureRenée Cormier

Boost Conversions: Mastering Powerful Writing

Recently, I held a roundtable event for CEOs and one of the concerns that came up centred around messaging. Messaging is a critically important function of marketing, so I thought I would take this opportunity to address it here.

Have you ever given thought to what makes us want to read a blog post, sign up for a marketing email or click on an ad? Why do some companies do it better than others? How can you master copy writing for your business? Well, writing copy that converts takes practice and while it involves a lot of trial and error, there are some very useful techniques that will help you book more business. Read on to find out what they are!

Where does it hurt?

There’s no point in writing to win if you haven’t properly identified your ideal customer and the problem you are solving for them. In fact, no matter how compelling your writing is, if it’s being directed toward the wrong people, it may as well be written in a foreign language. Before you begin to write or even pitch your product, you should be absolutely sure of the pain your customer is in. How does not having your solution (you always sell solutions) make their lives miserable? Create buyer personas based on research that you have gathered and tailor your messages to speak to their greatest needs and desires.

What makes you so special?

The next thing you must understand before you begin your writing is what exactly makes your product or service stand out. How does it benefit your audience and why is it the best alternative in the market? You cannot be vague about what you do and who you’re doing it for. A company that sells IT services, for example, needs to talk about the exact services they offer and acknowledge the havoc created in a business that does not use their services.

This is where the fun begins.

Once you’ve got those elements clarified (most companies only think they have), you can begin the process of writing and testing your copy. I like to incorporate elements of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) into my copy.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that examines how language and behavior are interconnected, aiming to modify thought patterns and behaviors to achieve specific goals. In the context of writing persuasive copy, NLP can be used to craft messages that resonate deeply with readers, influence their thinking, and motivate actions by employing targeted language patterns, metaphors, and storytelling techniques that speak directly to the subconscious mind, thereby enhancing the persuasiveness and impact of the communication. Pretty cool, eh?


Let’s try to be brief.

I’m a just the facts, pragmatic kind of gal. I hate longwinded presentations and reading content that amounts to nothing more than verbal diarrhea. Even though this post is a little longer than I would like, my goal is to fill it with practical advice that you can immediately incorporate into your sales presentations, website copy, ad copy and more.

Anyone who lands on your website, needs to see how you can help them within three seconds. That’s all you’ve got! You need to take a focused approach. Incorporating NLP techniques can be incredibly effective in this context. Here are some concise strategies that pack a punch:

1. Use Precise Language

Select words that carry a lot of meaning and emotional weight. Every word should serve a purpose, aiming to trigger an emotional or psychological response. For example, instead of saying, "Our software saves you time," opt for "Reclaim your day with our software." The verb "reclaim" is powerful and evokes a sense of taking back what's rightfully yours, which can resonate more deeply with the audience.

2. Leverage Embedded Commands

Embedded commands can direct your audience in a subtle yet impactful way, fitting perfectly into brief messages. For example, "Imagine success at your fingertips" embeds the command "imagine success," which can stimulate the reader’s imagination and associate your product with achieving their goals.

3. Employ Sensory Words

Sensory words engage the reader’s senses immediately, creating a vivid mental image. This makes your message memorable even in a brief interaction. For a coffee shop, instead of "Good coffee here," use "Savor the rich, bold espresso." "Savor" and "rich, bold" stimulate taste and smell, enhancing the impact of the message.

4. Utilize Pacing and Leading

In a short message, quickly establish common ground (pacing), then guide the reader towards a new idea or action (leading). A simple example is, "Tired of waiting? Get instant results." This acknowledges the reader’s frustration (tired of waiting) before offering a solution (instant results).

5. Create Positive Associations

Quickly link your product or service to positive outcomes or emotions. This can be effectively done with the choice of words or imagery that accompanies your copy. For example, for a fitness app, instead of a generic call to action, use "Start your transformation today." "Transformation" is a powerful word that evokes a strong, positive association with change and improvement.

6. Be Direct with Your Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA should be clear, compelling, and direct, using action verbs that leave no doubt about what you want the reader to do next. Instead of "Click here for more information," opt for "Discover your best self today." This not only tells the reader what to do but also why they should do it, enhancing the impact of a brief message.

Implement NLP for Brevity and Impact

Incorporating these NLP techniques requires practice and a deep understanding of your audience. The goal is to craft messages that resonate on a subconscious level, driving engagement and action with fewer words. By being deliberate about word choice, structure, and psychological triggers, you can create brief yet powerful copy that captures attention and motivates your audience.

Come on... Just give me some words and phrases!

By now you are probably twitching in your seat wishing I’d just make it simple for you and tell you what specific words to use in your copy.  I don’t blame you. NLP words and phrases are powerful because they speak directly to the subconscious mind, triggering emotional responses and specific thought patterns. Here’s a curated list of NLP words and phrases designed to make your copy more persuasive and engaging:

Sensory Language

Visual: Imagine, Picture this, Envision, See, Reveal, Show

Auditory: Hear, Listen, Sounds like, Harmonize, Tune in, Echo

Kinesthetic (Touch/Feel): Feel, Touch, Grasp, Get a handle on, Slip through, Make contact

Positive and Powerful Verbs

Action-Oriented: Launch, Achieve, Build, Create, Discover, Empower, Ignite, Propel, Transform

Change and Improvement: Improve, Enhance, Upgrade, Revitalize, Refresh, Overhaul, Revolutionize

Growth and Success: Grow, Expand, Flourish, Prosper, Succeed, Excel, Triumph

Embedded Commands

Action Commands: Act now, Start today, Join us, Visit now, Learn more, Discover, Explore

Feeling Commands: Feel confident, Be inspired, Enjoy freedom, Relish, Savor, Embrace

Phrases That Evoke Immediacy and Ease

Immediacy: Right away, Instantly, At once, In no time, Immediately, Now

Ease: Effortlessly, Easily, Seamlessly, Without a hitch, Smoothly, Simply

Phrases for Building Trust and Rapport

Inclusive Language: We, Us, Together, Alongside you, Join our community, Be part of

Empathy and Understanding: We understand, You’re not alone, Like you, Many feel, We’ve been there

Persuasive Phrasing

Exclusivity and Scarcity: Limited offer, Exclusive access, Just a few left, Once in a lifetime, Special invitation

Benefit-Driven: Unlock, Unleash, Gain, Benefit from, Take advantage of, Access, Enjoy

Phrases That Suggest Outcomes or Transformation

Transformational: Transform your, Change your life, Elevate, From X to Y, Become, Step into, Shift

Outcome-Oriented: Achieve your dreams, Realize your potential, Meet your goals, Attain, Reach

Be sure to read this final note because you don’t want to mess this up.

Use NLP words and phrases thoughtfully within your copy to make your messaging more dynamic and persuasive. Be sure to use them in a way that feels natural and authentic to your brand voice, ensuring they enhance rather than overpower your message. You don’t want to sound salesy at all. By being authentic in your messaging, you can subtly guide your readers toward the feelings and actions you desire, creating a deeper connection and driving more effective conversions.

If all this seems like too much work, worry not. I have an excellent team of Chief Marketing Officers and well-rounded freelancers who can supercharge your marketing and deliver 5-12 X ROI.





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